We are coming off an amazing 2024 season that lead to a handful of STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS for our Wrestling Athletes. Below is the guideline we used for our wrestlers. Due to In-Season Time/Available Equipment/and if you are gaining weight, losing weight, or maintaining, you may have to tweak this a bit. Feel free to reach out to us at Team@oharafitness.net with any questions or schedule a workout at our Narberth Club for additional help.
Week 1
Day 1
1: Superset
A: Barbell Squats
B: Dumbbell Hang Cleans
C: Push Ups
2: Superset
A: Full Squat hold Shoulder Press
B: Dumbbell Rows (Mild cheating allowed)
C: Pull Ups
4x12 (Pull-Ups can be max rep if needed)
3: Superset
A: Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
B: Mountain Climbers
C: Box Jumps
4: Abs/Conditioning
A: Weighted Sit Ups
B: Jump Squats
C: Leg Raises
D: Kick Ins
E: Weighted Russian Twist
Day 2
1: Superset
A: Bench
B: Romanian Deadlifts
C: Upright Rows
2: Superset
A: Incline Dumbbell Bench
B: Lateral Raise
C: Forward Raise
D: Dumbbell Step Ups
3: Superset
A: Hold a pushup 1" off ground for 30 seconds
B: 20 push ups
x5 rounds
4: Superset
A: Farmers Walk 100ft
B: Shrugs x 15
x4 sets
5: Abs
A: V Ups
B: Toe Reaches
C: Flutter Kicks
45 seconds of each, no rest
x4 sets
Week 2
Day 1
1: Superset
A: Barbell Squats
B: Dumbbell Cleans
2: Superset
A: Front Squats
B: Reverse Fly
C: Bench Jumps
3: Superset
A: Barbell Hang Pull
B: RLD's
4: Superset
A: Forward Raise
B: Arnold Press
5: Superset
A: Farmers Walk 100ft
B: Overhead Walk 100ft
Day 2
1: Superset
A: Deadlift x 8
B: Push Ups x 15
2: Superset
A: Heavy DB Rows
B: Incline Dumbbell Bench
3: Superset
A: Lat Pulldown w/ Hold at bottom
B: Standing Triceps Extension
4: Superset
A: Dumbbell Close Grip Bench
B: Shrugs
5: Abs
100 of each
Weighted Sit Ups
Leg Raises
Russian Twist
Suggested Equipment
Electric Blender Bottle
Naked Whey Protein
Farmers Handles