The Program Week 1-13 (Check Back OFTEN for new videos being uploaded to help follow the workouts)
Welcome to The Program. Here you will the routines we give to our High School athletes each week that has brought us State Championships and Records in Powerlifting while getting our athletes across all sports ready for the season. In addition to this blog, we are on Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, please take a minute and look us up on these platforms.
The PROGRAM that helped get our Athletes to break into the TOP 10 USA TEEN POWERLIFTING
Week 1
Day 1
1: Deadlift 5x3
2: Heavy Rows 10-8-6-3-3-3
3: High Pulls 5x3
4: DB Push Press 3x10
5: Superset 3x15
A: Forward Raise
B: Lateral Raise
6: Superset 3x10
A: Shrug
B: Reverse Fly
7: 5 Rounds of HEAVY farmers holds – 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
Day 2
1: Squat 5x3
2: Front Squat 10-8-6-3-3-3-
3: Bench 5x3
4: Incline Bench 10-8-6-3-3-3-
5: Superset 3x15
A: DB Lunge
B: DB Fly
6: Superset 3x10
A: Push-up
7: 5 Rounds of Light DB punches (Medium Pace) 30 seconds on 30 off
Day 3
1: Sumo Deadlift 5x3
2: DB Speed Rows 3x20
3: Hang Pull 5x3
4: Reverse Fly 3x20
5: Max Rep Pull Ups – 5 sets
6: Strip Set Farmers Hold – 3 different weights per set – 3 sets
7: 100 weighted sit-ups
8: 100 Push-Ups
9: 200 DB Calf Raises
Week 2
Day 1
1: Squat 3x5
2: Front squat with hold at bottom 2x15
3: Bench 3x5
4: Incline wide grip 2x15
5: DB lunges 3x10
6: 100 weighted sit-ups
7: 60 hanging leg raises
8: 100 calf raises toes pointed put
Day 2
1: Deadlift 3x5
2: deficit deadlift 2x15
3: T Bar rows 3x20
4: max pull ups x 5
5: reverse fly 2x10
6: Dumbbell cleans for speed 3x15
7: 10 minutes of weighted abs
Looking for affordable dumbbells?
Day 3
1: Bench 3x10
2: slight incline bench 3x10
3: increased incline bench 3x10
4: high incline bench 3x10
5: seated military press 3x10
6: standing strict military press 3x10
7: 150 Tricep reps (as many exercises as needed)
8: 70 hanging abs
9: 10 minutes of floor abs
Day 1
1: Squat 10-8-6
2: Front Squat 5x2
3: Bench 10-8-6
4: Incline Close Grip 5x2
5: SLDL on Sanddune (or box) 3x6
6: Speed Dumbbell alternating bench Press on flat bench 3x15
7: Decline weighted sit-ups 5x20
8: Standing banded abs (hang band from pull-up bar and do standing situps 5x20
9: weighted Russian twist 1 minute on 1 minute off x 5
10: 100 total leg raises
Day 2
1: Deadlift 10-8-6
2: Sumo deficit deadlift 5x2
3: Hang Pull 10-8-6
4: Push Press 5x2
5: Seated Military DB Press 3x15
6: Speed Alternating DB Rows 3x15
7: HEAVY DB shrugs 3xMAX
8: Farmers Hold 30 seconds on 30 seconds off x5
9: 20 of each (All weighted) Sit-Up – Leg Raise – Russian Twist – toe Reaches x4 sets
10: Hanging Scissor Kicks 3x10
Day 3
1: Bench 3x8
2: Bench 21’s
3: Squat 3x8
4: Squat 21’s
5: Incline DB flys 3x10
6: Incline DB FAST bench 3x20
7: Steering Wheels 1 minute on 1 minute off x5
Week 4
Day 1
1: squat 5x2
2: Front box squat 4x8
3: Bench 5x2
4: Close grip incline 4x8
5: superset 1
A: Db lunge x10
B: db bench x15
C: push up x20
6: superset 2
A: bench step ups x10
B: db fly x15
C: close grip push-up x20
7: 10 min abs
Day 2
1: Deadlift 5x2
2: Rows 4x8
3: High Pull 5x2
4: upright rows 4x8
5: Superset 1
A: db row x10
B: db push press x 10
C: pull-ups x max
6: Superset 2
A: db reverse fly x10
B: kettlebell swings x15
C: pull-ups close x max
D: pull-ups wide x max
7: 10 min abs
Day 3
1:Goblet squat 5x20
2: Sanddune SLDL 3x20
3: db lunge 4x12
4: Calf Raises x 100
5: bench 5x20
6: incline bench 3x20
7: push-up 4x25
8: Calf Raises x 100
9: row x1000m
10: 10 min abs
Week 5
Day 1
1: Squat 6x3
2: DB Lunge 3x12
3: Kettlebell Sanddune SLDL 3x10
4: Bench 6x3
5: close grip bench 3x12
6: triceps – 3 exercise superset 3x20
7: weighted abs for 10 minutes
Day 2
1: Deadlift 6x3
2: rows 3x12
3: heavy trap bar shrugs 3x5
4: high pull 6x3
5: steering wheel 5x20
6: Db push press 4x12
7: 15 min of speed abs
Day 3
1: sumo deadlift 6x3
2: 1 arm farmers hold 30 sec right 30 left no rest for 5 min
3: 300 reps of abs
4: cardio x 15 min
5: arms – anything
Day 1
1: Squat 54321
2: Front Box Squat 3x8
3: Bench 54321
4: Incline Close Grip 3x8
5: Dumbbell Lunges 3x8
6: 20 minutes of heavy triceps
Day 2
1: Deadlift 54321
2: Barbell Rows 3x8
3: Cleans 54321
4: Push Press 3x8
5: Hang Pull 3x8
6: 20 minutes of heavy biceps
Day 3
1: Wide Stance Box Squat 54321
2: Close Grip Bench 54321
3: Dumbbell Incline Press 4x15
4: Box Jumps 4x15
5: 20 Minutes of speed triceps
Week 7
Day 1:
1: Deadlift 4x12
2: Row 2x5
3: Clean 4x12
4: Push Press 2x5
5: heavy farmers holds 20 seconds x 30 seconds x5
6: strip set dumbbell rows 3 sets for 20 reps per set
7: weighted abs
Day 2:
1: Squat 4x12
2: Barbell Lunge 2x8
3: Bench 4x12
4: Incline close grip 2x5
5: Incline wide grip 3x15
6: 30 minutes of triceps
Day 3:
1: Wide grip bench 3x10
2: close grip bench 3x10
3: Pin Press Bench 3x10
4: Triceps till failure
Week 8
Day 1
1: Squat 5x3
2: Front Squat 3x20
3: Bench 5x3
4: Incline Close Grip 3x20
5: Dumbbell Lunges 2x20
6: 150 Push Ups
Day 2
1: Deadlift 5x3
2: Row 3x20
3: Clean 5x3
4: Upright Row 3x20
5: Farms Walk x 500 total feet
6: Overhead Walk x 300 total feet
Day 3
1: Front Squat 3x5
2: Box Squat 3x5
3: Box Jump 3x15
4: SLDL 3x15
5: Sprints
Week 9
Day 1
1: Deadlift 8-8-6-6
2: Rows 4x8
3: Clean 8-8-6-6-
4: Hang Pull 4x8
5: Push Press 4x8
6: Farmers x 1000 total feet
Day 2
1: Squat 8-8-6-6
2: Front Box Squat 4x8
3: Bench 8-8-6-6
4: Incline Bench 4x8
5: Incline Close Grip 4x8
6: Walking Dumbbell Lunges and Bear crawl superset x 500 total feet each
Day 3
1: Deficit Deadlift 8-8-6-6-3-3
2: Cheat Rows 4x8
3: Hang Clean 8-8-6-6-3-3
4: Farmers Walk x 1000 Feet
5: Overhead Walk x 1000 Feet
Day 1
1: Squat 5x10
2: Bench 5x10
3: Dumbbell Lunge 2x20
4: Dumbbell Incline Fly 2x20
5: Dumbbell Incline Press 2x20
6: Triceps x150
7: Sled Work x 1000 Feet
8: Push-Ups x 200
Need an affordable sled?
Day 2
1: Deadlift 5x10
2: Clean 5x10
3: Dumbbell Rows 2x20
4: Dumbbell Push Press 2x20
5: Dumbbell Forward Raise 2x20
6: Dumbbell Lateral Raise 2x20
7: Sled Pulls x 500-1000ft
8: Overhead Walks x 500ft
9: Farmers Walks x 1000ft
Day 3
1: Squat 10x5
2: Front Squat 5x5
3: Dumbbell Lunge 1000 feet
4: Weak Point Training for 30 minutes
Day 1
1: Deadlift 6-6-3-3
2: Rows 3x10
3: Cleans 6-6-3-3
4: Push Press 3x10
5: Steering Wheels 3x10
6: Farmers Walk 1000ft
7: Box Jumps 3x15
Day 2
1: Squat 6-6-3-3
2: Front Box Squat 3x10
3: Bench 6-6-3-3
4: Incline Close Grip Double Tap 3x10
5: Push-ups 250
6: Dumbbell Speed walks x 1000ft
7: Box Jumps 2x15
Day 3
1: Cleans 10x5
2: Hang Pulls 5x5
3:Push Press 10x5
4:Weak Point Training for 30 minutes
Day 1
1: Squats 3x8
2: Front Squat 3x8
3: Bench 3x8
4: Incline Bench 3x8
5: Triceps x 200
6: Lunges x 500ft
Day 2
1: Deadlift 3x8
2: Rows 3x8
3: Cleans 3x8
4: Hang Pull 3x8
5: Push Press 3x8
6: Sleds x1000ft
Day 3
Work on form and technique
